Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Wauchula Florida

The first thing Happy Thanksgiving
We will be having  dinner at the park they are throwing a big feed.
    Left Orlando at 9 AM arrived at the Thousand Trails Peace River RV Park (here for 21 days) at noon. It is interesting place.The temperature was 81° when I arrived. A cold front came through rapidly leaving a little bit of rain. The temperature now at 7:11 PM is 75° with the humidity of 78% kind of sticky. It is supposed as they cooler for a couple of days in the 70s then back up to the 80s
Walk around the park some took a few pictures
There was an alligator on the far bank   this is the Peace River

A hundred feet up stream this person was screening for fossils said the water was 72
this was near where I was standing they must be friendly

lots of moss
This part of the park was flood in Oct. they checking the elect
on the nature trail

The nature trail

Ibis there were three groups of them

This guy was in Orlando

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