Saturday, December 10, 2011

Wauchula Florida

The weather here has been very mild upper 70s and lower 80s during the day and   52 one night the rest  in the lower 60s .(Looks like we picked the right area to spend the winter so far hope it stays this way )
Today I drove to the Gulf of Mexico about 50 some miles north east. I reach the coast on a outer island at the southern mouth of Tampa Bay. it was an easy trip no traffic until I reach the coast. I pass through a lot of grapefruit groves, orange groves, some farmland and a lot of cattle ranches.
 Near the coast the highway crossed over three  inland waterways connected to Tampa Bay.
 The coast was all hotels and  residence. The state, counties and cities all have access to the water for the public,
where I went to the beach was an area called Holmes Beach operated by Manatee County and the City of  Holmes.
Looking south
looking north the area at the top is the jetty for Tampa Bay
looking West
I change the contrast I did not watch where the sun was when I took the picture
this is the way it should have looked it was overcast

Looks like snow doesn't it, but it's just white sand


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